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How to Open Port in Linux

How to Open Port in Linux In a Linux operating system, a port is a communication endpoint for either sending or receiving data over a network. Network ports are identified by a number, and each port number is associated with a specific type of netwo…

How to Change Timezone on RHEL / CentOS 7 and 8

How to Change Timezone on RHEL / CentOS 7 and 8 In this article, I’m going to share how to change the timezone on RHEL / CentOS 7 & 8. Table of Contents Check Current Timezone Available Timezones Change Timezone Change Timezone Using Symlink

Install and Configure phpMyAdmin with Nginx on CentOS 7

Install and Configure phpMyAdmin with Nginx on CentOS 7 Today, I’ll show you how to Install and Configure phpMyAdmin with Nginx on CentOS 7. Let’s follow these steps: \ Step 1 : Login to Server At first, we need to login to our server via SSH. Open …

Display Linux System Information in Terminal using Neofetch

Display Linux System Information in Terminal using Neofetch Neofetch is a command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+. Neofetch displays information about your operating system, software, and hardware in an aesthetic and visually pleas…

Hide Nginx Server Version in Linux

Hide Nginx Server Version in Linux In this article, I’m going to show how to hide the Nginx server signature in Linux. Generally, on the 404 page, the server shows its version with the operating system name. To secure our server, we should hide this i…

Install RethinkDB Realtime Database on RHEL / CentOS 7 & 8

Install RethinkDB Realtime Database on RHEL / CentOS 7 & 8 RethinkDB stores JSON documents with dynamic schemas and is designed to facilitate pushing real-time updates for query results to applications. Today I’m going to share how to setup Reth…

How to Install Composer on RHEL/CentOS 7, 8

How to Install Composer on RHEL/CentOS 7, 8 Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. In this article, we’re goin…

How to Use the su Command in Linux with Examples

How to Use the su Command in Linux with Examples Introduction In Linux, the  su  command (switch user) is used to run a command as a different user. In this guide, you will learn how to use the  su  command, with practical examples.

How to Use the usermod Command in Linux

How to Use the usermod Command in Linux Introduction The  usermod  command is one of the several Linux commands system administrators have at their disposal for user management. It is used to modify existing user account details, such as username,…

How To Add User to Sudoers & Add User to Sudo Group on CentOS 7

How To Add User to Sudoers & Add User to Sudo Group on CentOS 7 Introduction The  sudo  command stands for “Super User DO” and temporarily elevates the privileges of a regular user for administrative tasks. The  sudo  command in CentOS provides …

How to Start, Stop, or Restart Apache Server on Ubuntu

How to Start, Stop, or Restart Apache Server on Ubuntu Introduction Apache is part of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack of software. It is included with the latest version of Ubuntu 18.04 by default. This guide will show you  how to…

Linux curl Command Explained with Examples

Linux curl Command Explained with Examples Introduction Transferring data to and from a server requires tools that support the necessary network protocols. Linux has multiple tools created for this purpose, the most popular being curl and  wget . Th…

How to Use wget Command With Examples

How to Use wget Command With Examples What is wget? Wget  is a free GNU command-line utility tool used to download files from the internet. It retrieves files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. It serves as a tool to sustain unstable and slow net…

How to Install Moodle 4.x.x on CentOS 7

How to Install Moodle 4.x.x on CentOS 7 Moodle is an open-source Learning Platform or course management system (CMS) - a free Open Source software package designed to help educators create effective online courses. This tutorial will cover the proce…

Auto Restart MariaDB/MySQL If it Crashes on CentOS

Auto Restart MariaDB/MySQL If it Crashes on CentOS Infrequently it happens on CentOS. MySQL/MariaDB stops working and our web application crashes. In this situation, we have to log in to SSH and restart MySQL/MariaDB server. It’s a painful thing. To …

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